Ayurveda and acne – facts, and how to beat them

Ayurveda is knowledge and, above all, the right way to live. “Veda” translated by Sanskrit is knowledge, “Ayur” – life, longevity. It is closely related to nature and the influence of natural elements on man, his lifestyle and his health. The interrelationships of water, fire, earth, air and space define an individual system as the dominance of some of these elements determines the ‘doṣa’. According to Ayurveda, there are three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha, their categorization influences the behavior of man, his health and, o course, his skin type.
Kapha’s skin is oily, smooth and with slow blood circulation.
Pitta’s skin has allergies and can be irritated easy. (Everything triggered by the fire.)
Vata, is connected to water and space. Mostly mixed skin.
According to studies, 45% of women between 21-30 years and 26% between 31-40 have acne.
Unfortunately, this skin condition is not ruled out, even if we have overgrown the period of puberty. And even if we are blessed with pure skin for part of the month, we still struggle with premenstrual pimples and rashes.
Fortunately, with proper diet, natural lifestyle and care, acne is treatable and its repetition is preventable.
The approach of modern medicine to acne is very superficial and relies on chemistry. Mainly oily skin is treated. I want to introduce a little logical consideration of the problem and an attempt to ‘read’ the skin.
Oily skin is typically characterized by a dense grained structure, enlarged pores, a greasy and sleek appearance. This is due to excess sebum, which is the cause of the appearance of skin imperfections such as blackheads or red pimples.
With mixed skin, imperfections are localized mainly in the middle of the face: the forehead, nose, chin, better known as the T-zone. The rest of the face and body can be with normal or even dry skin. Mixed skin is unbalanced and often irritated.
Acne is an inflammatory disease of the fatty cell. Factors that cause acne:
- Spread of bacteria. Sebum is an ideal nutrient for some bacteria.
- Overproduction of sebum as a result of hormonal activity that is triggered in puberty.
Acne is not just the result of genetics or the soap that we use. Skin is a reflection of what’s going on inside. Any disturbance in our inner harmony will show on the outside.
From an Ayurvedic point of view, these factors worsen Pitta dosha and cause a hotly toxic accumulation called aaa, which leads to acne. The wrong diet and lifestyle fuel the fire and this continues to worsen acne. We need to focus on cooling with food and lifestyle and reducing those forces.
The skin delivers more sebum, this is a prerequisite for more pores, which in turn makes it easier to get smudged and clogged due to contamination, whether environment or makeup, and later inflammation.
What is our reaction? Let’s start to clean it immediately, rub it, drain it, especially so that we can internally clear our thoughts and feel that we have managed to take care of our skin. Yes, however, the effect is opposite. Excessive treatment of the skin with improper products leads to its drainage and, consequently, its rescue action to produce more sebum, yet a superfluous oily layer. The only goal is to protect yourself. The other thing we do from vanity is to start building up makeup and concealing imperfections. However, we do not give the skin breathing.
One of the remedies that soothe the Pitta doushita is rose water. When spraying on the face with a nebulizer, we help cool the aamma.
Very good antiseptic oils are lavender and tea tree, blue chamomile. They, combined with regenerating cell oils such as taman and immortal is the solution I have found to fight the acne of an external approach. We recommend a “Bounty Hunter” product without preservatives and petroleum additives that you can find in our online store. Totally clean product for your pure skin.
A wonderful approach to this problem is when you make a regular steam bath and clean the cells. Herbal potions with antiseptic properties are a good start. The chamomile, the sumac are excellent disinfectants. Drinking herbal teas such as nettles and chamomile also regulate blood.
Last but not least, we advise you to find the lightest serum formula without petroleum ingredients (Vaselina, for example) that can help regulate the formation of excess sebum. Dry = excess. Nurture = soothe the skin and it stops to defend itself.
Inspire, smile and you deserve to radiate yourself!